Pen and Ink Notary Public

Beneficiary documents Notary Service Las Vegas Nevada

Beneficiary documents Notary Service Las Vegas Nevada

Beneficiary documents

Beneficiary designations are an important step in planning for the future, as they ensure that your assets are distributed to the individuals of your choosing. Beneficiary documents are unique to each asset and can easily be managed with the right resources.

For instance, if you happen to purchase a life insurance policy, the company you enrolled with should provide you with a beneficiary designation document. Through this document, you can assign the individual who should benefit from your policy upon your passing. At Pen and Ink in Las Vegas, Nevada we are pleased to offer our notary services as an easy way to authenticate your beneficiary documents in a safe and legally compliant manner.

So did you purchase an extra life insurance policy? Make sure all beneficiary designations are taken care of and have them notarized at Pen and Ink!